Group names in GAP character table library


Let $G = M_{12}.2$, automorphism group of the Mathieu group $M_{12}$.

In GAP, with DisplayAtlasInfo("M12.2");; we get information about G as listed here or here.

One of the maximal subgroups is listed as having structure D8.(S4x2).

So in ATLAS notation, I think this would mean that the subgroup has a normal subgroup $D_8$ with quotient $S_4 \times C_2$.

But as far as I can tell by computing with GAP, this maximal subgroup does not have a dihedral group $D_8$ as a normal subgroup. It does have $C_2^3$ as a normal subgroup, with quotient $S_4 \times C_2$. Also it seems in the ATLAS this maximal is denoted by $(2_{+}^{1+4}:S_3).2$, for example here.

Is this correct and what does D8.(S4x2) mean in GAP? More generally how to interpret the group names used in GAP?

Best Answer

This is a misprint in the library (that then propagated to web pages you refer to that just pull data from the library).

In the printed version of the ATLAS the group is an extension of one named $M_8.S_4$, here $M_8$ is a Mathieu-type name for $Q_8$. However the extra 2 does not preserve the $Q_8$, which makes the name $M_8.S_4.2$ misleading. Better use the name from the ATLAS webpages you cite. An alternative name could be a non-split extension $2^3\cdot (2\times S_4)$.

This will be corrected in a future release.

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