Greatest Integer Function/Floor Function Definition? (Discrete Mathematics)

ceiling-and-floor-functionsdiscrete mathematics

I came across this set builder definition for the greatest integer function (which is also equal to the floor function) in my Discrete Mathematics course indicated below:

${[[x]]} = {\lfloor{x}\rfloor}$

${\lfloor{x}\rfloor} = {\max{\left\{{{{m}\in{\mathbb{Z}}}\mid{{m}\leq{x}}

My question is – is this equivalent to the following?:

${\max{\left\{{{{m}\in{\mathbb{Z}}}\mid{{m}\leq{x}}}\right\}}} \overset{?}= {\max{\left({{{m}\in{\mathbb{Z}}}\mid{{m}\leq{x}}}\right)}}$

More directly, is this equivalent to the following?:

${\lfloor{x}\rfloor} \overset{?}= {\max{\left({{{m}\in{\mathbb{Z}}}\mid{{m}\leq{x}}}\right)}}$

Best Answer

Technically, the $\max$ is taken over a set, which is why braces are used in the definition given.

In many situations, where it's clear, the set description is omitted. For instance,

$$\max_{x\in[0,1]} f(x)$$

is used to mean $\max\{f(x)\,|\,x\in[0,1]\}$. Parentheses are not commonly used.