GRE 9367 #62: Prove $X=[0,1]$ in lower limit topology ($[a,b)$) is not compact, is Hausdorff and is disconnected.


GRE9367 #62

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Ian Coley's solution:

enter image description here

Sean Sovine's solution:

enter image description here

  1. Prove $X$ is not compact.

My first proof was similar to Ian Coley's, but I came up with another proof:

If $X$ is compact, then because $X$ is Hausdorff, $X$ is compact Hausdorff in both standard and lower limit topologies of $\mathbb R$. This implies that the topologies are equal by (*), a contradiction.

Did I go wrong somewhere?

  1. Prove $X$ is Hausdorff.

My proof is similar to Sean Sovine's. For Ian Coley's proof, is my understanding right?

If there exists the required open sets in standard topology, then we can choose the same sets as the required open sets in the lower limit topology.

  1. Prove $X$ is disconnected.

My proof is the same as Ian Coley's. Is Ian Coley's proof right?

(*) Munkres Exer26.1 (dbfin pf)

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Best Answer

$[0,1]$ is not connected, e.g. because $[0,\frac12)$ is a non-trivial closed-and-open subset of it.

Not compact as $\{1-\frac1n: n=2,3,4,5,\ldots\}$ is an infinite subset without limit point in it.

Hausdorff because as you state its topology includes the usual, Hausdorff, one.

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