Graphical method of solving quadratic and cubic equations


I once came across a method for solving quadratic and cubic equations using a graphical method as shown below (where the lengths of the line segments are equal to the coefficients of the equation). However, I can't remember what to do after I have drawn these line segments.

visual representation of x^2 + 5x + 6 = 0

Best Answer

This is Lill's method for general (real) polynomial roots. After drawing the line segments you cast a ray from the isolated endpoint of the line segment corresponding to the highest-power term, turning $90^\circ$ at (the extension of) each segment corresponding to the polynomial's remaining terms, according to the following rules:

  • if the ray hits the segment itself, it stays on the same side (is reflected)
  • if not, it goes to the opposite side (is refracted)

If this ray eventually hits the other endpoint after all the turns, the slope of the initial ray (before its first turn) corresponds to a root of the polynomial.