Graph Processing: travel to each node at least once, start and end at specific (same) node

graph theory

I've found myself where I've got a bidirectional graph of roughly 5500 nodes, 14000 edges.

I'd like to visit ~85 of these nodes, each at least once, starting and ending at the same node. I'd like to get a short route (don't need explicitly shortest, though that would be nice!). What graph processing algorithm should I use in this situation?

I feel like this isn't that unusual of a problem, but I think I'm searching for the wrong terms, as searching around has turned up fruitless. Or maybe I just haven't practiced math in too long!

The cost for traveling between two connected nodes is all the same.

Best Answer

Create a graph with only the nodes of interest, and calculate for each pair the shortest distance (there are polynomial procedures for calculating the transitive closure of a graph).

Now you're looking for a relaxed version of the Traveling Salesman Problem.

Therefore, in this modified version, you can at least find an approximation algorithm using the MST of the modified graph with a factor of 2x (i.e. it is, at worst, twice as bad as the optimal route).

I'm not 100% sure, but I think the relaxed version of TSP was NP-complete as well, so searching for anything better than an approximation algorithm would be out of reach.

Either way, with this modification done, you can use everything we know about the TSP and apply it onto it.

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