Good books to learn Complex Analysis and Contour Integration


I have completely finished some of calculus, such as Limits, Derivatives, Sequence and series, Indefinite and Definite Integration and many more. And have solved humongous amount questions on these topics. I am also good with basics. So to expand my knowledge more, I wanna self study Complex analysis and Contour Integration as I did for previous topics. Can you please suggest some good books for them? Starting from stratch so that it's easy for me to self study? It don't have to be one book, can be series of books too. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you. 🙂

Best Answer

I would recommend Complex Analysis (Princeton Lectures in Analysis, Volume II) written by Elias M. Stein (Ph.D advisor of the famous Professor Terrence Tao) and Rami Shakarchi. This is the second analysis book in the serious of books and the authors aim to sacrifice the depth of presented topics in exchange for the demonstration of various connections of the materials to other branch of mathematics, which in my mind will help you to hunt for next interested topics in your mind along the journey.

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