$G=\langle a,b \mid baba^{-1}=1\rangle$ Show that $\langle a \rangle$ is infinite


Let $G=\langle a,b \mid baba^{-1}=1\rangle$. Show that the subgroup generated by $a$ is infinite.

My attempt

Suppose $\langle a\rangle$ is finite so $a^k = 1$ for some $k \in \mathbb{Z}$. So I would like to prove that the relation $a^k=1$ is not a consequence of the original relation $baba^{-1}=1$. I also have been able to prove that every element $g$ in $G$ can be written as $g= a^n b^m$ for $n,m \in \mathbb{Z} $

Any hint will be appreciated.

Best Answer

Hint: consider the homomorphism $f$ from the free group $F = \langle x, y \rangle$ to the free group $H = \langle z \rangle$ that maps $x$ to $z$ and $y$ to $1$. The element $yxyx^{-1}$ lies in the kernel of $f$, so $f$ factors as $h \circ g$, where $g : F \to G$ and $h : G \to H$ are homomorphisms with $g(x) = a$, $g(y) = b$, $h(a) = z$ and $h(b) = 1$. The elements $f(x^n) = z^n$ for $n \in \Bbb{Z}$ are all distinct, hence the elements $g(x^n) = g(x)^n = a^n$ are also all distinct (if $g(x^n) = g(x^m)$, we have have $z^n = f(x^n) = h(g(x^n)) = h(g(x^m)) = f(x^m) = z^m$).