Given $u(x,y) = e^x (x \cos y – y \sin y)$ for analytic $f(z) = u + iv$, find $v(x,y)$

analytic-functionscomplex-analysisharmonic functions

Given $u(x,y) = e^x (x \cos y – y \sin y)$ for analytic $f(z) = u + iv$, find $v(x,y)$. I know that there is an answer to this question in For an analytic function $f(z)=u+iv$, if $u=e^x(x \cos y-y \sin x)$ find $v$..
But it seems to me that approach used there is specific to the problem (the choice of the integration path). Is it? If not, could you exlain how the integration path is chosen?
If it is, could you exlain what the general approach is to solve such problems? I know, I should check if $u$ is harmonic, then I should find the harmonic conjugate of $u$ but I don't know what path to choose (usually I'd take the line connecting $(0,0)$ and $(x,y)$. In this case it results in rather complicated integrals so I think there has to be a better path to integrate over. A clarification would be very helpful. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

This is perhaps a more general approach.

Define $v(x,y)=\int_{0}^{y}u_{x}(x,t)\,dt+\phi(x)$ to be a guess for $v$. (We are guessing like this as $v$ must satisfy the CR equations).

Where $\phi$ is some arbitrary function of $x$.

then $v_{y}=u_{x}$ and $v_{x}=\int_{0}^{y}u_{xx}(x,t)\,dt+\phi'(x)$.

Now by Harmonicity of $u$ we get


So if CR equations are to be satisfied then $u_{y}(x,0)+\phi'(x)$ should be $0$.

So you can solve the ODE in above and set $\phi(x)=-\int_{0}^{x}u_{y}(t,0)dt$

Thus $v(x,y)=\int_{0}^{y}u_{x}(x,t)\,dt-\int_{0}^{x}u_{y}(t,0)dt$