Given $\triangle ABC$, $D$ lies on $BC$, with $AB=CD$, compute angle $x$.


As title suggests, the goal is to solve for angle measure of $x$ in the given triangle $\triangle ABC$ with some angles and two equal sides given. This is a fairly unique problem and I'm curious to see what other ways there could be of solving this, so please comment your own answers as well! I'll post my own approach as well.

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Best Answer

This is my own approach. I'll add a brief explanation too:

enter image description here

This is the procedure I followed:

1.) Label the triangle $ABC$ and mark all the appropriate angles and side lengths. Notice that since $\triangle ABC$ is obtuse, its circumcenter must lie outside of the triangle itself. Locate circumcenter of $\triangle ABC$ outside and call it point $E$. Connect all the vertices of $\triangle ABC$ to $E$ via $AE$, $BE$ and $CE$. Notice that this means $AB=BE=AE=CE=CD$ because $\triangle ABE$ is equilateral.

(for further explanation of above, point $E$ is a circumcenter of $\triangle ABC$, in that case, $\angle AEB$ must be twice the measure of $\angle ACB$ (inscribed angle theorem), which means it'll be $60$. Because $\angle AEB=60$ and know that $AE=BE$, it follows that $\triangle ABE$ is equilateral)

2.) Notice also that $\angle EAC=\angle ECA=6$. Connect point $D$ with $E$ via segment $DE$. Notice that because segment $CD=CE$ and $\angle ECD=36$, this implies that $\angle EDC=\angle DEC=72$. However, notice that $\angle EBD=96-60=36$, therefore, $\angle BED$ is also $36$. But this implies that segment $BD=DE$

3.) Lastly, notice that this means $\triangle ABD$ is congruent to $\triangle AED$ via the SAS property. This means $\angle BAD=\angle EAD=x$. This means that $2x=60$, therefore, $x=30$.