Given R is a field, $A\in M_n(R)$ is not a zero divisor implies A is invertible. Counterexample to R commutative


I am attempting to prove that given a field R, a matrix $A \in M_n(R)$ is invertible if and only if $A$ is not a zero divisor in $M_n(R)$. Furthermore I am trying to figure out whether or not this iff holds when R is only assumed commutative.

I have seen other posts asking similar questions, but they use methods (e.g. fraction fields) that are at least three lectures ahead of where I am currently at in my algebra class. I have proven the "invertible implies not a zero divisor" direction, can someone please help me with the converse and in finding this counterexample to the commutative R version – if there even exists one, but with how the proof of the R is a field case is going it seems like we do need R to be a field.

I have only just learned about matrix rings as well as types of rings like fields and domains and subrings.

Best Answer

[Disclaimer: I have to assume that you know a little about finite-dimensional vector spaces over a field. I don't see how you could approach this question otherwise.]

If $R$ is a field, then $M_n(R)$ is a vector space over $R$ under matrix addition and scalar multiplication. For each $A \in M_n(R)$, the mapping $L_A : M_n(R) \to M_n(R)$ such that $L_A(B) = AB$ for all $B$ is a linear transformation from $M_n(R)$ to itself. If $A$ is not a zero divisor, then $L_A$ is injective (because $L_A(B) = AB = 0$ iff only $B = 0$, implying that $\ker(L_A) = \{0\}$). But $M_n(R)$ is finite dimensional (with dimension $n^2)$, so if $L_A$ is injective, it is also surjective. This implies that there is some $A' \in M_n(R)$ with $AA' = L_A(A') = I$ (where $I$ is the unit matrix). So we have that (i):

$$AA' = I$$

and that (ii):

$$L_A(A'A) = A(A'A) = (AA')A = IA = A = AI = L_A(I)$$

and so as $L_A$ is injective, (ii) gives us that (iii):

$$A'A = I$$

(i) and (iii) give us that $A$ is invertible with inverse $A'$.

The comments have dealt with things that can go wrong if $R$ is not assumed to be a field. E.g., if $R$ is only assumed to be an integral domain, $A$ could represent scalar multiplication by a non-zero scalar with no inverse.

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