Given one focus of an ellipse, two tangent lines, and the point of tangency with one of those lines, construct the other focus.

conic sectionseuclidean-geometrygeometric-constructiongeometrytangent line

Focus $F'$ of the ellipse, point $D_1$ and two tangents $t_1$ and
$t_2$ are given. Let $D_1$ be the touching point of the tangent $t_1$ and the ellipse. Construct the second focus of the ellipse.

I found the axisymmetric images of point $F'$ with respect to tangents $t_1$ and $t_2$, $G_1$ and $G_2$. Then I found the bisector $h$ of length $G_1G_2$. And now I know that the second focus of the ellipse is somewhere on the line $h$. But I need one more condition to determine the exact position of the second focus. enter image description here

Best Answer

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(interactive version here : moving the blue point gives a variable tangent ; changing the value of $b$ controls the eccentricity of the ellipse ; the choice has been made to keep $a=1$ fixed, giving $f=\sqrt{1-b^2}$). The radius of the circle is $2a=2$.

Three steps :

  • The set of symmetrical (or "mirror") points of focus $F'$ with respect to all tangent lines is known to be a circle centered in the other focus $F$.

  • Therefore, a fact you have remarked, having two of these mirror points, $G_1$ and $G_2$, $G_1G_2$ is a chord of this circle ; as a consequence, the bissector line of this chord passes through the circle's center $F$.

  • Tangency point $D_1$ being known, the reflection property of the ellipse implies that line $F_1D_1$ passes through focus $F$.

Conclusion : $F$ is defined as the intersection of line $F_1D_1$ with the bissector line of $[G_1G_2]$.

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