Given a nontrivial finite field extension $F \subset E$, show that $E \otimes_F E$ is not a domain.


My attempt and thoughts:

I was able to show that $E\otimes_F E$ is not a field: Consider the multiplication map $\phi: E \otimes_F E \rightarrow E$ where $a\otimes b \mapsto ab$. Observe that $0 \neq \ker \phi \subsetneq E \otimes_F E$ since we can take an element $x\in E \setminus F$ and observe that $0\neq x \otimes 1 – 1 \otimes x \in \ker \phi$. Thus, it is not a field.

A comment on this post (Tensor products of fields) claims that $E \otimes_F E$ is a field if and only if it is a domain. But I am not sure how one would start this proof.

I have also seen another post that claims that the Tensor product $L \otimes_K L$ has no nilpotent elements iff $I/I^2=0$ where $I=\ker \phi$ from above. However, they rely on an argument using Kahler differentials $\Omega_L$ which I do not have. I tried studying $i \otimes 1 – 1 \otimes i \in \mathbb{Q}(i) \otimes_\mathbb{Q} \mathbb{Q}(i)$ but I can't see how it is nilpotent? I am currently in the belief that it is not actually nilpotent in this ring.

I also thought about possibly considering an element $\alpha \in E \setminus F$ and its minimal polynomial $f(x) \in F$. Then, $f(x) = (x-\alpha)g(x) \in F(\alpha)[x]$ and possibly cooking up a zero divisor using $g(\alpha)$ but I failed so far.

Best Answer

Let's prove the following: If $E/F$ is an algebraic extension of fields such that $E \otimes_F E$ is a domain, then $E = F$.

So let $\alpha \in E$. Then $F(\alpha) \otimes_F F(\alpha)$ embeds into $E \otimes_F E$, which is therefore also a domain.

Let $f \in F[T]$ be the minimal polynomial of $\alpha$. Then we compute the tensor product as $$F(\alpha) \otimes_F F(\alpha) \cong F(\alpha) \otimes_F F[T]/ \langle f \rangle \cong F(\alpha)[T] / \langle f \rangle.$$ Now, this ring is a domain. This means that $f = 0$ (which is not the case) or that $f$ is irreducible over $F(\alpha)$. But $f$ has a root in $F(\alpha)$, namely $\alpha$. It follows $\deg(f)=1$, i.e. $\alpha \in F$.

Notice that the claim is not true for non-algebraic extensions. For example, $F(T) \otimes_F F(T)$ is a domain (not a field!), since it is a localization of $F[T] \otimes_F F(T) \cong F(T)[T']$, which is a domain.

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