Given a finite automaton determine if it is deterministic and indicate regular expression

automatadiscrete mathematicsregular expressionsregular-language

Given the finite automaton:

Finite automaton

  1. Make the transition table and indicate if it is deterministic or not.
  2. Indicate which of the following regular expressions corresponds to the language recognized by the automaton:
    • $0^\ast11\left(1^\ast+01\right)1^\ast$
    • $0^\ast11{\left(1+01\right)}^\ast$
    • $0^\ast11{\left(1^\ast01\right)}^\ast$

  1. The state machine $M=(Q,V,\delta,q_0,F)$ where $Q=\{q_0,q_1,q_2\}$, $V=\{0,1\}$, $\delta:Q\times V\to Q$ and $F=\{q_2\}$ has the following table transition:
    \delta&0&1\\\hline q_0&q_0&q_1\\q_1&-&q_2\\q_2&q_1&q_2
    \end{array}$$ This finite automaton is deterministic because it has at most one change of state for each letter of the alphabet.

  2. Recall that each language has a single regular expression. Since we can go through the $q_2$ loop or go back and forth from $q_1$ to $q_2$ then the correct regular expression is $$0^\ast11{\left(1+01\right)}^\ast\text.$$

Is that correct?

Thank you!

Best Answer

"2. Recall that each language has a single regular expression."

This is very far from being true! A given regular language can actually have infinitely many regular expressions representing it.

It is indeed true that $0^*11(1+01)^*$ is a regular expression representing the language, but you did not prove that the two other expressions are not correct. Her are the missing arguments:

  1. All words of $0^*11(1^*+01)1^*$ are accepted by the automaton but some words are missing, for instance $110101$.
  2. Similarly, all words of $0^*11(1^*01)^*$ are accepted by the automaton but the word $111$ is missing.
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