Statistics – How to Find a Random Variable Given a Characteristic Function


Given this characteristic function: $char(t) = cos(t)/(1+t^2)$ problem asks me to find the expected value and and its variance. I know how to do it using the derivative method.

But, in the solutions this approach is selected: if $X$ is a random variable that corresponds to a given characteristic function, we can decompose it to $X_1 + (X_2 – X_3)$. $X_1$ has uniform distribution (probability $1/2$ to get $-1$ and probability $1/2$ to get $1$). And $X_2$ and $X_3$ are expontentially distributed with parameter $1$.

And following from that, $E[X] = E[X_1] + E[X_2] – E[X_3] = 0 + 1 – 1 = 0$

The solution is so elegant. But how to get this decomposition? I understand that $X_1$ (with uniform distribution) corresponds to $cos(x)$. And others look a lot like exponentially distributed variables.


Best Answer

This solution uses properties of the characteristic function. Suppose $\{X_1,\dots,X_n\}$ are independent random variables with respective characteristic functions $\phi_k$. Let $a_1,\dots,a_n$ be constants. Then,

$$\phi_{\sum_{k=1}^na_kX_k}(t) = E\left[e^{it\sum_{k=1}^na_kX_k}\right] = E\left[\prod_{k=1}^ne^{ita_kX_k}\right] = \prod_{k=1}^nE\left[e^{ita_kX_k}\right] = \prod_{k=1}^n\phi_k(a_kt).$$

The uniform distribution has characteristic function $\phi_1(t) = \frac{e^{-it}+e^{it}}{2} = \cos(t)$. The unit rate exponential distribution has characteristic $\frac{1}{1 - it}$.

$$\frac{\cos(t)}{1 + t^2} = \cos(t)\left(\frac{1}{1 - it}\right)\left(\frac{1}{1-i(-t)}\right),$$

which is the characteristic function of $X_1 + X_2 - X_3$ where $X_1,X_2,X_3$ are independent, $X_1$ is discrete uniform and $X_2$ and $X_3$ are unit rate exponential functions.

In general, when you are working with Fourier transforms, characteristic functions, Laplace transforms and other things in that vein, the first thing you want to do is try to use the fundamental properties of the transform to turn the function into something you recognize.