Geometrically varying annuity payable less frequently than interest is convertible


Find the accumulated value at the end of ten years of an annuity in
which payments are made at the beginning of each half-year for five
years. The first payment is 2,000, and each of the other payments is
98% of the previous payment. Interest is credited at 10% convertible

correct answer: 40,042

My work:
I found equivalent semi-annual rate $i^{(2)}$, which gives us the interest rate per half-year $i=0.0506$, and using this the first five years is just a geometrically decreasing annuity-due with conversion period = payment period, which we can use the equation $2000(1+i)\frac{1-\left(\frac{1-k}{1+i}\right)^{10}}{i+k}$ with $n=10$ conversion periods (using $i$) and $k=0.02$ = common ratio of geometric progression. This is equal to the accumulated value at $t=5$, which is 14916.70. Then we can simply compound this up to year 10, which is straightforward. I get the answer 24,442.75, which is incorrect. What am I doing wrong?

Edit: It appears that I calculated the PV of geometric progression at t=0, instead of the accumulated value at t=5 like I thought I was doing

Best Answer

The cash flow looks like this:

$$AV = 2000\left(\left(1+\frac{i^{(4)}}{4}\right)^{\!40} \!\!\!\! + (0.98)\left(1+\frac{i^{(4)}}{4}\right)^{\!38} \!\!\!\! + (0.98)^2 \left(1+\frac{i^{(4)}}{4}\right)^{\!36} \!\!\!\!+ \cdots + (0.98)^9 \left(1 + \frac{i^{(4)}}{4}\right)^{\!22}\right)$$ where $i^{(4)} = 0.10$ is the nominal rate of interest compounded quarterly.

Explanation: the effective rate of interest per quarter period is simply $i^{(4)}/4$. To account for the payments occurring every other compounding period, we just skip those periods. Because payments are made at the beginning of each half-year, the first payment of $2000$ has had the full $10$ years, or $40$ quarters, to accumulate. To ensure that we have $5$ years of semiannual payments, or a total of $10$ payments, we require that the last payment be reduced by $(0.98)^{10 - 1}$, and that $40 - 2(9) = 22$ is the number of periods that the last payment accumulates interest.

Once you see how this is all put together, the meaning should become plainly obvious. This is why I recommend writing out the cash flow. Actuarial notation comes next. We note that we can write the above as

$$\begin{align} AV &= 2000(1+j)^{22} \left( (1 + j)^{18} + (0.98) (1+j)^{16} + \cdots + (0.98)^9 (1+j)^0 \right) \\ &= 2000(0.98)^9 (1+j)^{22} \left( \left(\frac{(1+j)^2}{0.98}\right)^{\!9} + \left(\frac{(1+j)^2}{0.98}\right)^{\!8} + \cdots + 1 \right) \\ &= 2000(0.98)^9 (1+j)^{22} \require{enclose}s_{\enclose{actuarial}{10} j'} \\ &= 2000(0.98)^9 (1+j)^{22} \frac{(1+j')^{10} - 1}{j'}, \end{align}$$ where $j = i^{(4)}/4 = 0.025$ is the effective quarterly interest rate, and $$j' = \frac{(1+j)^2}{0.98} - 1 = \frac{113}{1568} \approx 0.072066$$ is the equivalent semiannual effective rate after adjusting for the geometric decrease in payments. It follows that $$AV \approx 40052.28.$$ The claimed answer $40042$ is inaccurate.

Alternatively, using your approach and converting the rate to a semiannual frequency, we have $j = i^{(2)}/2 = 0.050625$ as you stated, and the cash flow is then written $$AV = 2000 \left((1 + j)^{20} + (0.98)(1 + j)^{19} + \cdots + (0.98)^9(1 + j)^{11}\right) = 2000 (0.98)^9 (1 + j)^{11} \require{enclose}s_{\enclose{actuarial}{10} j'}$$ where now $$j' = \frac{1+j}{0.98} - 1.$$ Either way gives the same result.

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