Geometric multiplicity for non zero eigen values of matrices $AB$ and $BA$.

eigenvalues-eigenvectorslinear algebra

As lot of information is given in this site about eigen values of $AB$ and $BA$ for square matrices $A$ and $B$. As characteristics polynomial of $AB$ and $BA$ are same so both have same set of eigen values with multiplicity. Now I want to know about geoemetric multiplicity and as one of $AB$ and $BA$ may become zero and other not even diagonalizable so i can conclude that geometric multiplicity of eigen value $0$ may not equal. Now what about geometric multiplicity of common non zero eigen values? Are they will be same? i.e. if $a\neq 0$ then can we say $$Geo.Mult_a(AB) =Geo.Mult_a(BA)? $$ please explain or give counter example. Thanks.

Best Answer

Here is a somewhat different explanation for the equality of dimensions of the eigenspaces of $AB$ and $BA$ for nonzero eigenvalues than in the other answers (so far); it gives rise to the somewhat stronger result that the Jordan types (lists of sizes of Jordan blocks) are also the same for nonzero eigenvalues. For any linear operator $T$ there is a unique $T$-stable complementary subspace$~W$ to the generalised eigenspace for the eigenvalue$~0$. There are several ways to describe it: over an algebraically closed field, $W$ is the (direct) sum of all other generalised eigenspaces; it is the image of $T^k$ for sufficiently large$~k$ ($k=n$, the dimension of the space, is certainly sufficient); if $Q$ is the quotient of the characteristic polynomial by any factors$~X$ it contains, then $W=\ker(Q[T])$.

Now let $T$ be the linear operator given by $AB$ and let $W_0$ be this subspace$~W$ for it. By construction the restriction of $T$ to $W_0$ is invertible (does not have $0$ as eigenvalue). If $W_1$ is the image of $W_0$ under multiplication by $B$, we have linear maps $b:W_0\to W_1$ (given by multiplication by $B$) and $a:W_1\to W_0$ (given by multiplication by $A$) whose composition $a\circ b$ is that invertible restriction of $T$ to $W_0$, so $a$ and $b$ must each be invertible. Starting with $T'$ given by $BA$ instead of $AB$, one sees that its subspace $W$ is in fact $W_1$. Now the restriction $a\circ b$ of $T$ to $W_0$ is conjugate to the restriction $b\circ a$ of $T'$ to$~W_1$, since $ab=a(ba)a^{-1}$. Since all (generalized) eigenspaces for nonzero eigenvalues of $AB$ respectively of $BA$ are contained in $W_0$ respectively $W_1$, one gets the desired result.

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