Geometric interpretation of dual generalized inequalities in 2D using proper cone and its dual cone.


This question is based on section 2.6.2 of the textbook Convex Optimization by Boyd. The specific mathematical statement I am referring to is the following:

$$ x \prec_{K} y \iff \lambda^{T}x < \lambda^{T}y \quad \forall \quad \lambda \succeq_{K^{*}} 0, \lambda \neq 0 $$

To get a feel for this inequality, I decided to try to demonstrate it geometrically in 2D using a cone $K$ such that the dual cone $K^{*} = R_{+}^{2}$. This should mean the cone K is a 45 deg cone centered about the y = x ray as shown in the image below.

Example of point X and Y chosen such that Y-X is not inside cone K

The image also shows an example pair of points X and Y I chose such that $(Y-X) = w \nsucc_{K} 0 $ (because $w \notin K$). As per the above mathematical expression then, I should be able to find at least one $\lambda \in K^{*} = R_{+}^{2} $ such that $\lambda^{T}x \gt \lambda^{T}y$. In other words some vector with only positive elements whose inner-product with $u$ would be greater than its inner product with $v$ but I don't see such a vector intuitively.

Where am I going wrong? I am new to this topic (Convex Sets) and I hope I got all my notation above correct.

Best Answer

I found my error. Just needed to take a break and return to the problem. The dual cone of the cone $K$ I used in my example is in fact not equal to $R_{+}^{2}$. What finally made me realize this is that the dual cone of $R_{+}^{2}$ is itself. But I know that calculating the dual cone twice is supposed to return you the original cone.

I was making a silly error. The dual cone of the 45 deg cone centered about the $x = y$ ray for $x > 0$ is actually the 135 deg cone centered about the same ray.

Here is the corrected drawing. Any vector along the green vector will clearly result in $\lambda^{T}x \gt \lambda^{T}y$.

Corrected Example

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