Geometric-Harmonic Mean

meanssequences-and-seriesspecial functions


Recently, I got interested in the Arithmetic-Geometric mean $\mathrm{AGM}(x,y)$ because it had the surprising property that
I say this is surprising because it has such a complicated definition:

If the sequences $(a_n)$ and $(g_n)$ are defined by
a_{n+1}&=\tfrac12(a_n+g_n) &a_0&=x\\
g_{n+1}&=\sqrt{a_n g_n} &g_0&=y

$$\mathrm{AGM}(x,y):=\lim_{n\to\infty}a_n\ .$$

After I messed around with $\mathrm{AGM}$ and was able to prove its relation to the above elliptic integral, I asked myself the question "is there an artihmetic-harmonic mean?" The answer: yes.

The Arithmetic-Harmonic Mean:

We define the sequences
a_{n+1}&=\tfrac{1}{2}(a_n+h_n) &a_0&=x\\
h_{n+1}&=\frac2{\frac1{a_n}+\frac1{h_n}} &h_0&=y

and the Arithmetic-Harmonic mean is then defined as
$$\mathrm{AHM}(x,y):=\lim_{n\to\infty}a_n\ .$$
Amazingly enough, we are able to find a closed-form evaluation for $\mathrm{AHM}(x,y)$ assuming $x,y>0$. We do so by noticing that
so that
which converges to $$\lim_{n\to\infty}a_n=\mathrm{AHM}(x,y)=\sqrt{xy}\ .$$

That being established, I wanted to know if there is a geometric-harmonic mean.

The Geometric-Harmonic Mean:

I first should define it. Let the sequences $(h_n)$ and $(g_n)$ be defined as
h_{n+1}&=\frac{2}{\frac1{h_n}+\frac1{g_n}} &h_0&=x\\
g_{n+1}&=\sqrt{h_n g_n} &g_0&=y

then, assuming convergence, define
$$\mathrm{GHM}(x,y):=\lim_{n\to\infty}h_n\ .$$
It seems as if it will be harder to find out things about $\mathrm{GHM}$ because I cannot seem to sufficiently simplify the relationship between the two sequences as I was able to with $\mathrm{AHM}$. I feel though, that there may be a really interesting integral relationship here.

I did a little investigation of my own. One notable value of $\mathrm{AGM}$ is Gauss's Constant:
I found $h_4$ and $g_4$ for $h_0=1$, $g_0=\sqrt{2}$ on Desmos:
$$h_4\approx g_4\approx 1.18034059902$$
for which Wolfram suggests the closed form
$$1.18034059902\approx \sqrt{2}\,\mathbf{g}$$
which is definitely very fishy…

So my questions: Is there some connection between $\mathrm{AGM}$ and $\mathrm{GHM}$? Is there a nice integral relationship for $\mathrm{GHM}$? Is there a closed for for $\mathrm{GHM}$?

Best Answer

Note that $$ a_n = \frac{1}{h_n} \, , \,b_n = \frac{1}{g_n} $$ satisfy the recurrence $$ \begin{align} a_{n+1}&=\tfrac12(a_n+b_n) &a_0&=\frac 1x\\ b_{n+1}&=\sqrt{a_n b_n} &b_0&= \frac1y \end{align} $$ so that in fact $$ \operatorname{GHM}(x, y) = \frac{1}{\operatorname{AGM}(\frac 1x, \frac 1y)} = \frac{xy}{\operatorname{AGM}(x, y)} \, . $$

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