Geodesic Equations Surface Revolution Confusion


I'm using Differential Geometry by Tu and we are asked to find the Geodesic equations for a surface of revolution then prove the geodesics are Meridians. Though this question has appeared many times on this site, the form given for the geodesic equations don't seem to match what I get. I obtain the results here for my geodesic equations, and they say that as a corollary, Meridians are geodesics and a parallel is a geodesic iff $f'(v_0) = 0$. My question is:
How does the corollary follow from the Geodesic equations in this form?

The $f'f''+g'g''$ term is tripping me up.
Problem Statement


Geodesic Equations and Statement of Corollary

Best Answer

Note $f' = \frac{df}{dv}$, $g' = \frac{dg}{dv}$ and similar for $f'', g''$. Hence (note that $v = v(t)$)

\begin{split} f' f'' + g'g'' &= \frac{1}{2} \frac{d}{dv}\big( (f')^2 + (g')^2\big) \\ \end{split} Hence $$\frac{d}{dv} \sqrt{(f')^2 + (g')^2} = \frac{f'f'' + g'g''}{\sqrt{(f')^2 + (g')^2}}$$ Hence the geodesic equation becomes (write $\ell(t) = \sqrt{(f')^2 + (g')^2}$)

$$ \ell (t) \ddot v(t) + \dot \ell(t) \dot v(t) = 0,$$ or $$ \ell (t) \dot v(t) = C.$$

Write $\ell (t) = \ell(v(t))$ (that is, $\ell(v) = \sqrt{(f'(v))^2 + (g'(v))^2}$), then

$$ t'(v) = \frac{C}{v'(t)} = \frac{C}{\ell(v)}$$ and one can integrate this to obtain $t(v)$, and hence $v(t)$.

Remark of course the above looks familiar: this is the ODE that you solve when you want to find an arc-length parametrization of a curve $\gamma(v) = (f(v), g(v))$. Indeed, since the surface of revolution (as a set) is the same when we reparametrize $(f(v), g(v))$, we may WLOG assume that $\gamma(v)$ is of arc-lenght parametrization to start with, so

$$ 1=|\gamma'(v)| = \sqrt{(f')^2 + (g')^2}.$$ So the geodesic equations becomes

\begin{split} \ddot u + \frac{2f'}{f} \dot u\dot v &=0, \\ \ddot v - ff' (\dot u)^2 &= 0 \end{split}

and when it is clear that $(u, v) = (u_0, at+b)$ are solutions to the geodesic equations.

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