Generating Function of P Group


Take G as group of permutations on $n$ elements. It naturally acts on the set $[n]$. Compute the cycle index polynomial of this action of partitioning the permutation into blocks of your own size.

We need to prove that the cycle index polynomial of the above action as
$$P_{G}(x_1, x_2, \ldots x_n) = \sum_{(i)} \frac{\left( \prod_k x_k^{i_k} \right) }{\left( \prod_{k} k^{i_k} i_k! \right)} $$

Here the sum ranges over all partitions $(i)$ represented as $(i_1, i_2, \ldots i_m)$ of $[n]$. Note that $i_k$ is the number of blocks of size $k$ in the partition.

I am unable to get the term in the denominator, can someone help me out?

Best Answer

If I am understanding correctly, you already have used the fact that you can decompose the symmetric group by cycle type. So for a fixed integer partition first select the elements to put in each cycle, so you have $$\underbrace{\binom{n}{1}\binom{n-1}{1}\cdots \binom{n-i_1+1}{1}}_{i_1\text{ times}}\underbrace{\binom{n}{1}\binom{n-i_1}{2}\cdots \binom{n-i_1-i_2+1}{2}}_{i_2\text{ times}}\cdots $$ which by cancelling out the factorials gives $$\frac{n!}{1!^{i_1}2!^{i_2}\cdots m!^{i_m}}.$$ Now that you have selected the cycles, you have to multiply for in how many ways you can get a cycle of length $j$ the $i_j$ times, that is $(j-1)!^{a_j}$ giving you $$\frac{n!((1-1)!^{i_1}(2-1)!^{i_2}\cdots (m-1)!^{i_m})}{1!^{i_1}2!^{i_2}\cdots m!^{i_m}}=\frac{n!}{1^{i_1}2^{i_2}\cdots m^{i_m}}.$$ Also, notice that when you selected the $i_j$ cycles, you were giving them an order, you want to take that order out, so yoy have to divide by $i_1!\cdot i_2!\cdots i_m!.$ That gives you the formula you have.

Edit: Remember that two permutations have the same cycle type if they have the same cycle structure in the sense that their share the amount of cycles of size $j$ for every $j.$ So you can decompose the sum in adding the permutations with cycle type $(i_1,\cdots ,i_m)$ where $i_j$ is the number of cycles of length $j.$ Notice that fixed this tuple, you have that $1\cdot i_1+2\cdot i_2+\cdots +m\cdot i_m=n$ because you were partitioning the $n$ elements in these cycles. Then what I explained earlier is how you follow.

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