Generating function of composition with odd part fixed


I have met the following question: consider the set of compositions with any number of parts where each odd part is equal to 1. E.g $(1,2,1,3,1,4,1,\ldots)$. Then I am asked to find the generating function for this set. The hint is that for $k\ge0$, first find the generating function for the set of such compositions of at most $k$ parts.

I think I am pretty confused about generating functions. My understanding is that the generating functions depends on which value we can choose and how many parts of the composition. So for example: choose from $\{1,2\}$ and of part $3$, the GF is simple $(x^1+x^2)^3$…But in case, what is the set of values? Is it $\{1,\ldots,1,2,3,\ldots\}$? So does it mean that the generating function is (assume $k$ is even for now) $$x^{k/2}+\left(\sum_{i=2}^\infty x^i\right)^k?$$


Best Answer

Call compositions of the desired type good. Let $a_n$ be the number of good compositions of $n$. Direct calculation shows that $a_1=a_2=1$, $a_3=2$, $a_4=3$, $a_5=5$, and $a_6=8$. These are the Fibonacci numbers and suggest that perhaps $a_n=a_{n-1}+a_{n-2}$ for $n\ge 3$. A bit of thought verifies this. There is an obvious bijection between good compositions of $n$ that end in $1$ and compositions of $n-1$, and there is also a bijection between good compositions of $n$ that end in a number greater than $1$ and compositions of $n-2$: just subtract $2$ from the last part. (It may take a little thought to verify that this really is a bijection.) $0$ has no compositions, so $a_0=0=F_0$, and we already saw that $a_1=1=F_1$, so $a_n=F_n$ for each $n\ge 0$. Thus, the desired generating function is the same as for the Fibonacci numbers and is therefore


This can of course be found by standard methods from the recurrence and initial conditions if you don’t already know it.

Added: The good compositions of $n$ into $2k$ parts are just compositions of $n-k$ into $k$ parts, with a $1$ inserted before each of the $k$ parts, so there are $\binom{n-k-1}{k-1}$ of them. Similarly, the good compositions of $n$ into $2k+1$ parts are just compositions of $n-k-1$ into $k$ parts, so there are $\binom{n-k-2}{k-1}$ of them. Thus, if $g_k$ is the generating function for the number of good compositions into $k$ parts, we have

$$g_{2k}(x)=\sum_{n\ge 0}\binom{n-k-1}{k-1}x^n$$


$$g_{2k+1}(x)=\sum_{n\ge 0}\binom{n-k-2}{k-1}x^n\,.$$

From these we can extract the actual functions without too much trouble. For instance,

$$\begin{align*} \sum_{n\ge 0}\binom{n-k-1}{k-1}x^n&=\sum_{n\ge 0}\binom{n-k-1}{n-2k}x^n\\ &=\sum_{n\ge 2k}\binom{n-k-1}{n-2k}x^n\\ &=\sum_{n\ge 0}\binom{n+k-1}nx^{n+2k}\\ &=x^{2k}\sum_{n\ge 0}\binom{n+k-1}nx^n\\ &=\frac{x^{2k}}{(1-x)^k}\,. \end{align*}$$

The calculation for $g_{2k+1}(x)$ is very similar.

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