Generating function for generalized Laguerre polynomials

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I've been studying about some properties of Laguerre polynomials and my professor came up with this problem.
Prove that:
$$f_m(t,x)=(-1)^m x^me^{-\frac{xt}{1-t}}=(1-x)^{m+1}\sum_{n=m}^{\infty}L_n^m(x)\frac{t^n}{n!}$$
In class we defined the Laguerre polynomials as
$$L_n(x)=\sum_{k=0}^{n}(-1)^k \frac{(n!)^2}{(k!)^2(n-k)!}x^k$$
Such that the generating function is
And the generalized Laguerre polynomials are
I've tried expanding the exponencial function in a series and after that expanding the new $\frac{1}{(1-t)^k}$ term in a Taylor series (just the same way as we did it with the Laguerre polynomials) but I can't find how to introduce the derivative to obtain the generalized Laguerre polynomials as well as the $(1-x)^{m+1}$ term. Could anyone with me some hint or any recommendation for other way to solve the problem? Thank you for your time!

Best Answer

This is wrong (e.g., it's clearly wrong for $m=0$). The $x$ outside the sum should be a $t$:

$$ \frac1{1-t}\left(-\frac t{1-t}\right)^m\mathrm e^{-\frac{xt}{1-t}}=\sum_{n=m}^\infty L_n^m(x)\frac{t^n}{n!}\;, $$

which follows directly by differentiating $f(t,x)$ $m$ times with respect to $x$.