Generating Finite Vector Space over Finite Fields


A question led me into this question:

Does there exist a vector space which exactly have 8 elements?

Now, after some initial research, I found there did exist such vector space, and as long as the cardinality is a power of prime, we can always found such vector space.

Actually there is a well-established result: for a finite field $K$ with $p^n$, it can always be treated as a Vector Space over $F_{p}$.

Now it occurs me to me: does every vector space has cardinality of $p^n$?

Best Answer

A $d$-dimensional vector space over a finite field with $q$ elements has size $q^d$. Since finite fields only occur with prime powers: $q = p^n$ for some $n \in \mathbb{N}$, and so the finite vector space has $(p^n)^d = p^{nd}$ elements.

There are only a couple ways to write $8$ as a power of a prime power: \begin{align*} 8 = (2^1)^3 \qquad &\Longrightarrow \qquad V \cong (\mathbb{F}_2)^3 \text{ is $3$-dim over field with $2$ elements} \\ 8 = (2^3)^1 \qquad &\Longrightarrow \qquad V \cong (\mathbb{F}_{2^3})^1 \text{ is $1$-dim over field with $8 = 2^3$ elements} \end{align*}

But, seeing as how the field $\mathbb{F}_{2^3}$ is itself a $3$-dimensional vector space over $\mathbb{F}_2$, the second construction is essentially the same as the first (you have to "forget" the multiplication inside the bigger field, as vectors don't multiply in a vector space).