General solution of linear homogeneous equation given roots

homogeneous equationordinary differential equations

I have a linear homogeneous equation whose characteristic equation has the following roots:

\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \gamma, \gamma, \delta +i \epsilon, \delta + i \epsilon, \delta – i \epsilon, \delta – i \epsilon

That's nine roots, both real and complex, some repeated, and the complex ones in conjugate pairs.

What is the general solution of this equation?

If the roots are

\alpha, \beta, 0, 0, 0, \delta +i \epsilon, \delta + i \epsilon, \delta – i \epsilon, \delta – i \epsilon

how does this modify the solution?

This was a serious lacuna in the maths I did for my physics degree and I'm trying to get myself back up to speed now I have a daughter who is studying this stuff.

Best Answer

Assuming the independent variable is $t$, the general solution can be written as $$ c_1e^{\alpha t}+c_2e^{\beta t}+e^{\gamma t}(c_3+c_4t+c_5t^2) +e^{\delta t}(c_6\cos(\epsilon t)+c_7\sin(\epsilon t)) +te^{\delta t}(c_8\cos(\epsilon t)+c_9\sin(\epsilon t)). $$ If $\gamma=0$, it becomes $$ c_1e^{\alpha t}+c_2e^{\beta t}+c_3+c_4t+c_5t^2 +e^{\delta t}(c_6\cos(\epsilon t)+c_7\sin(\epsilon t)) +te^{\delta t}(c_8\cos(\epsilon t)+c_9\sin(\epsilon t)). $$

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