General solution for material derivative equal to zero

fluid dynamicspartial differential equations

I have a known scalar valued-velocity function $u$ which only depends on time; that is, $u = u(t)$. I want to solve the PDE
\frac{\partial\rho}{\partial t} + u\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial x} = 0,

where $\rho = \rho(x, t)$ is the density of the fluid under study. In other words, I want to solve
\frac{D\rho}{Dt} = 0,

where $D/Dt$ denotes the material derivative. Does a general closed-form solution exist? I know in the case of $u = $ constant it does, but I can't find anything about the varying coefficient case. I would guess not, but it would be nice to verify this before I go down the numerical route.

Best Answer

Let us consider the initial-value problem $\rho(x,0) = \rho_0(x)$. The method of characteristics consists in introducing the parameterization $\rho(x(t),t)$ of the density. Differentiation w.r.t. time gives $$ \frac{\text d }{\text d t}\rho = \rho_x\, \frac{\text d }{\text d t}x + \rho_t \, . $$ Using the PDE $\rho_t + u \rho_x = 0$, one writes the system of characteristic equations $$ \frac{\text d }{\text d t}\rho = 0\, , \qquad \frac{\text d }{\text d t}x = u\, . $$ Letting $\rho(0) = \rho_0(x_0)$ gives $\rho(x(t),t) = \rho_0(x_0)$, and letting $x(0) = x_0$ gives $x(t) = x_0 + \int_{0}^{t}u(s)\,\text d s$. Combining both equations and going back to the original variables, we have $$ \rho(x,t) = \rho_0\left(x - \int_{0}^{t}u(s)\,\text d s\right) . $$ The constant velocity case $u(t) = \bar u$ is included in this formula, which gives $\rho(x,t) = \rho_0(x - \bar u t)$.

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