Trigonometry – General Formula for $\sin^n(x)+\cos^n(x)$


I wanted to derive an expression for $\sin^n(x)+\cos^n(x)$ and thought I should start of by deriving a few basic powers myself, and finding a pattern.
Apart from our usual $\sin^2(x)+\cos^2(x)=1$, I derived the following myself,

Power of Sine and Cosine Formulas

Subsequently, I attempted to find a general form for odd numbers.
$$\sin^{2n-1}+\cos^{2n-1}=(1-\sum_{i=1}^{n-1} (\sin(x)\cos(x))^i),n\in\mathbb{N},n\neq1$$

And even powers, by induction I had assumed the general form was:

But, on checking this on Geogebra, I found these only hold for $n\in{2,3}$

Does anyone know a general formula for a sum of powers of sine and cosine?
I've been unable to find a clear pattern.

Best Answer

If $n=2^uk$, where $k$ is prime, $$\sin^nx+\cos^n x=(\sin^{\frac{n}{k}}x+ \cos^{\frac{n}{k}} x)\\\sum_{r=0}^{k-1} (-1)^r\sin^{\frac{n}{k}{(k-r-1)}} x \cos ^{\frac{n}{k} r} x \\ =(\sin^{\frac{n}{k}}x+ \cos^{\frac{n}{k}} x)\\\sum_{r=0}^{k-1} (-1)^r \sin ^{\frac{n}{k}(k-1)} x \cot ^{\frac{n}{k}r} x$$ $$=(\sin^{\frac{n}{k}}x+ \cos^{\frac{n}{k}} x)\\\sin^{\frac{n}{k}(k-1)} x\sum_{r=0}^{k-1} (-1)^r \cot ^{\frac{n}{k}r} x$$ $$=\sin^n x(1 + \cot^{\frac{n}{k}x})\sum_{r=0}^{k-1} (-1)^r \cot ^{\frac{n}{k}r} x$$

just used the fact that if $n$ is odd $$(a^n+b^n)=(a+b)\sum_{r=0}^{n-1}(-1)^r a^{n-r-1}b^r$$

Simplifying is not possible unless $n$ is already provided