General form of elements of $SU(2)$

lie-groupslinear algebra

$SU(2)$ is the set of $2\times 2$ complex matrices $A$ satisfying $AA^*=I$ and $\det(A)=1$ where $A^*$ denotes the conjugate transpose of $A$ and $I$ is the identity matrix. I've seen everywhere that the elements of $SU(2)$ can be represented as $\begin{pmatrix}\alpha&\beta\\-\bar\beta&\bar\alpha\end{pmatrix}$ where $\vert\alpha\vert^2+\vert\beta\vert^2=1$, but I've been having a stupidly hard time working out the arithmetic for this claim. I was able to show that if $\begin{pmatrix}\alpha&\beta\\\gamma&\delta\end{pmatrix}$ is in $SU(2)$ (or even just $U(2)$), then $\vert\alpha\vert=\vert\delta\vert$ and $\vert\beta\vert=\vert\gamma\vert$, but I'm stuck from there. I know I must use the equation $\alpha\delta-\beta\gamma=1$ to obtain the desired result, but I'm failing to do so.

Best Answer

If $A=\begin{pmatrix}\alpha&\beta\\\gamma&\delta\end{pmatrix}\in SU(2)$ then its determinant is $1$ and so its inverse, which must also equal $A^H$(the transpose of its complex conjugate) is $A^{-1}=\begin{pmatrix}\delta&-\beta\\-\gamma&\alpha\end{pmatrix}$. Therefore $\delta =\overline\alpha$ and $\gamma=-\overline\beta$. But the determinant is $1=\alpha\delta-\beta\gamma=\alpha\overline\alpha+\beta\overline\beta= |\alpha|^2+|\beta|^2$.

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