GCD and LCM number theory problem


I am having some trouble finishing a solution to this problem, so I thought I might ask you all for help.

The problem goes as follows:
Find all natural numbers $a,b>0$ for which holds:


The problem is annoted with the hint, that 2021=43*47.

I have tried using the fact, that the $gcd=d$ from which follows $x=a*d$ and $y=b*d$. The $lcm(x,y)$ therefore must be $lcm(x,y)=a*b*d$.
Given this and the fact that the product of two numbers $x,y$ and their $gcd$ and $lcm$ is the same, meaning
$$xy=lcm(x,y)*gcd(x,y)=abd*d$$ I arrive at the equation:

which equals

Where do I go from here? Any help or correction of mistakes that I may have made is greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

You rewrite it as $(2021 - d)ab = 2021$. Now use the factorization of $2021$ given in the hint.

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