$f(z) = e^{\frac{1}{1-\cos z}}$ has infinitely many positive powers in its Laurent’s expansion


Let $f(z) = e^{\frac{1}{1-\cos z}}$.

I want to show that the Laurent's expansion of $f$ near $z = 0$ has infinitely many positive and negative powers of $z$.

For this, I have shown that $z = 0$ is an essential singularity therefore the Laurent expansion of $f$ will have infinitely many negative powers.

I am not able to show that it has infinitely many positive powers.

I tried using the expansion of $\cos z$. The process is becoming really complicated.

Help, please

Best Answer

We use the theorem: if $g(z)$ has a non-removable singularity at $a$, then $e^{g(z)}$ is an essential singularity at $a$.

Infinitely many negative terms: Let $g = \frac{1}{1-\cos{z}}$. When $z = 0$, $g$ has a pole, so $e^g = f$ has an essential singularity.

Infinitely many positive terms: We show $f(1/z)$ has an essential singularity at $0$, where $f(1/z) = \exp(\frac{1}{1 - \cos(1/z)})$. $\frac{1}{1 - \cos(1/z)}$ has an essential singularity at $0$ (limit does not exist). So again $f(1/z)$ has an essential singularity at $0$.

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