$f(x)=16\cos^2(3x)\cos^2(6x)\cos^2(12x)\cos^2(24x)$, what is the value of $f(\frac{\pi}{36})$


If $f(x)=16\cos^2(3x)\cos^2(6x)\cos^2(12x)\cos^2(24x)$, what is the
value of $f(\frac{\pi}{36})$ ?


I'm looking for alternative approaches to solve this problem.
Here is my approach:

I'm looking for other ideas to solve the problem, so can you please solve it differently?

Best Answer

We can simplify $f(x)$ by using the identity $\sin 2x=2\sin x\cos x$ multiple times.

$f(x)=\dfrac{16\sin^2(3x)\cos^2(3x)\cos^2(6x)\cos^2(12x)\cos^2(24x)}{\sin^2(3x)}=\dfrac{\sin^2 48x}{16\sin^2 3x}=\dfrac{\sin^2 48x}{8(1-\cos 6x)}$

$f(\frac{\pi}{36})=\dfrac{2\sin^2\frac{4\pi}{3}}{1-\cos \frac{\pi}{6}}=\dfrac{ \frac{3}{4}}{8(1-\frac{\sqrt 3}{2})}=\dfrac{6+3\sqrt3}{16}$