Fundamental group of theta-space and the doubly punctured theta space in Munkres Topology Example 70.1


Munkres Topology Example 70.1

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Let X be theta-space, U = $X \setminus \{a\}$ and V = $X \setminus \{b\}$. Let $U \cap V = X \setminus \{a,b\}$ be doubly punctured theta-space where $a,b$ are interior points of $A$ and $B$.

  1. Why is doubly punctured theta-space contractible? I think it has the homotopy type of a point, possibly the center of $X$. I have 3 or 4 solutions to this that I am trying to work through.

  2. Why does $B \cup C$ have the same homotopy type as $U$? I think of "deformation retract implies same homotopy type", but I think it's not even a retract. It appears that it's going to be that I have to directly prove that they have the same homotopy type by thinking of the explicit homotopy equivalences instead of deducing implicit homotopy equivalences from proving one $B \cup C$ is a deformation retract or homeomorphic space to $U$. Other comments would be welcomed.

For now, please just give me hints, and I can work out the details on my own. This is so I don't spend a lot of time going down dead paths since this problem has been done before. When I get into a PhD, I can go down dead paths. Now, I would rather know the answer and work towards it, of course now that I've seen some paths and went down one dead path.


I think

  1. $\{0\}$ is a deformation retract of $C$, and $C$ is a deformation retract of $X \setminus \{a,b\}$.

Proof uses the retractions $r_1(z)=z1_C+Re(z)1_{[A \setminus \{a\}] \cup [B \setminus \{b\}]}$ from $X \setminus \{a,b\}$ onto $C$, which is continuous by the pasting lemma and $r_2(z)=0$ from $C$ onto $\{0\}$ and the straight line homotopies $H_1(z,t)=z(1-t)+tr_1(z)$ and $H_2(z,t)=z(1-t)$ because $H_1(c,t)=c, c \in C$ and $H_2(0,t)=0$.

  1. $B \cup C$ is a deformation retract of $U$.

Best Answer

For part 1, if you remove a point from the arcs A and B, can we deform the the line segments to anything?

For part 2, just remove the point from arc A and see what space you get after deformation.

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