Fundamental group of $S^n \setminus S^m$


We can assume that $m < n-1$.

$S^n \setminus S^m$ are the elements of $S^n$ such that the last $n-m$ entries are not all zero.

I would like to compute the fundamental group $\pi_1(S^n \setminus S^m)$

I do not know how to tackle this problem. For $n>2$ I cannot picture what is happening.

I know that $\pi_1(S^2 \setminus S^0)=\Bbb{Z}$, (corrected) because we have removed the points $(1,0,0)$ and $(-1, 0, 0)$.

If I were to calculate $\pi_1(S^2 \setminus S^1)$, it would be trivial, because we have cut the sphere in half by removing all points with $x_3=0$ and all loops on the half spheres can be contracted to trivial loops. I can see why this holds for all $S^n \setminus S^{n-1}$, but it is not asked.

I suspect that removing $S^0$ always leaves inconctractible loops and the rest only trivial loops. But I cannot imagine it at all and I know no formal process which would help me with this task. Any hints welcome.

Best Answer

Taking the stereographic projection originating from one of the points in $S^m$, we have an homeomorphism between $S^n- S^m$ and $\mathbb{R}^n-\mathbb{R}^m$. The latter is homotopy equivalent to $\mathbb{R}^{n-m} \backslash \{0\},$ which in turn is homotopy equivalent to $S^{n-m-1}$. Hence, $S^n-S^m \stackrel{hmtp}{\simeq} S^{n-m-1}$.

It follows that if $n-m=2$, then the fundamental group is $\mathbb{Z}$. If $n-m=1$, we have two (path)-connected components both with trivial fundamental group. (This is clear from the start: $S^{n+1}-S^{n}$ is just two disks.) In all other cases, we are left with a connected set with trivial fundamental group.