Fundamental group of CW complexes


I was building a small text on the fundamental group of CW complexes. I followed, where I have the result that the fundamental group of a CW complex depends only on its $1$-cells and how the $2$-cells are attached.

But there is something not so clear about this, for example: If I construct the solid torus $\mathbf T$ as

  • one $0$-cell, $v$
  • two $1$-cells, $a$ and $b$ whose endpoints are attached to the $0$-cell
  • one $2$-cell, $A$ attached along the loop $aba^{-1}b^{-1}$
  • one $3$-cell, $S$ attached to the the $2$-cell $A$ (is this possible?) such that it fills the torus

Then I get that $\pi_1(\mathbf T)\simeq\mathbb Z\times \mathbb Z$, but this is wrong since one of the generating loops is now homotopic (through the $3$-cell) to the constant loop, and so $\pi_1(\mathbf T)\simeq\mathbb Z$.

Makes me wonder if this result about the dependence of $\pi_1(X)$ (for $X$ a CW complex) only applies for $k$-cells that attach to the $1$-cells; and that it fails to be true about $k$-cells that are attached to $2,3,4,\dots$-cells.

Can anyone shine some light on this?

PS: I did not study amalgamated relations for this, I only went with the material used in Hatcher's Algebraic Topology, for example in Proposition 1.26, page 50, where he uses the quotient definition of presentation.

In Proposition 1.26 point (a), after a short paragraph describing that the attaching of cells occurs through an attaching map $\varphi_\alpha:S^1 \to X$, Hatcher says,

If $Y$ is obtained from $X$ by attaching $2$-cells as described above, then the inclusion $X\hookrightarrow Y$ induces a surjection $\dots$

Which further leads me to believe that it only applies, like I said before, to $k$-cells attached along $1$-cells.

Best Answer

You can't attach just a single 3-cell to fill in the torus, since the inside of a torus is not homeomorphic to a 3-dimensional ball. Instead you should first fill in the "inside" of the second 1-cell with a disk, and then you can glue a 3-cell. This second 2-cell kills off one of the generators.