Fundamental group of a solid torus with a tunnel


Imagine that you have a donut and a worm inside. This worm takes two turns around the solid torus, going back to the starting point after two laps. How could I find out what the fundamental group of this space is? Can I use Van-Kampen's theorem to solve it or maybe exact sequences? Thanks.

Best Answer

I call $A$ the space that you are talking about. $A$ is of the form $A=\Lambda-T$ where $\Lambda$ is the original donut, and $T$ is the "tunnel" (it is a specific subspace of $\Lambda$ homeomorphic to a torus). I claim that $A$ deforms retract onto a subset $X$ such that

$$X\simeq \Bbb T^2 \bigsqcup \Bbb M^2/\sim$$

where $\Bbb M^2$ is the mobius band and $\sim$ is the relation attaching the boundary of $\Bbb M^2$ along one "canonical generator" of the fundamental group of the torus $\Bbb T^2$. The space $X$ is just "a mobius band which has his usual boundary replaced by a torus". To see that, I did the following drawing:

enter image description here

In my drawing, the big torus $\Lambda$ is in green, the tunnel $T$ created by the worm is in red and $X$ is the union of $T$ and the hatched grey mobius band. The mobius band is created by drawing the lines as in the picture.

In order to understand that $A$ deforms retract onto $X$, think of it the way around. If you take a neighborhood of $X$ in $A$, it looks just like $A$.

The only thing left to do is to compute the fundamental group of $X$. The space $X$ can be seen as follows, with the identifications by colors:

enter image description here

I don't know what is the best way to compute $\pi_1(X)$. Here is two ways that I can think of:

  • You can use the "classic trick" that consists in doing a hole in the space and then using Van Kampen to get the fundamental group of the original space. To be more precise, take a disk $D^2\subset X$ and $p\in D^2$. Then if $\gamma$ is a generator of $D^2-\{p\}$ and if $i:D^2-\{p\}\to X-\{p\}$ is the inclusion, the theorem of Van-Kampen implies $$\pi_1(X)\simeq\pi_1(X-\{p\})/_{\langle i_*(\gamma)\rangle}$$

  • More interestingly, in the picture we see $X$ as the quotient space $$X= Y\times [0,1]/_{Y\times 0 \stackrel{\varphi}{\sim} Y\times 1}$$ where $Y$ is two circles joined by a straight line and $\varphi$ is a homeomorphism that "turns $Y$ upside down". This is perfect to use the quotient version of Van Kampen. This version is not very famous, and the only reference I have for it is in French (but it's actually a great reference if you can understand French, there is a very comprehensive video going with it!).

I'm sure there is some alternative ways to compute $\pi_1(X)$. Anyway using the first method I found $$\pi_1(X)\simeq \langle a,b~\vert~ bab^{-2}a^{-1}b=1\rangle.$$

In my opinion, this was not obvious at all, I can add details/drawings if needed. But I feel that you should give it a try using Van Kampen now that the situation is more clear!

I hope this helps!

Edit: I added some detail changed the names of the spaces (the previous names were implicitly saying that $\Lambda$ and $T$ had dimension 2 instead of 3)

Edit 2: As smartly suggested by Kyle Miller in the comments, there is an easy way to compute $\pi_1(X)$. If $a$ and $b$ are two generators of the torus such that $X$ is obtained by identifying the boundary of the mobius band with $a$, and if $c$ is a (well chosen) generator of the fundamental group of the mobius band, the theorem of Van Kampen gives

$$\pi_1(X)\simeq \langle a,b,c~\vert~ ba=ab,~c^2=a\rangle,$$

which can be rewritten

$$\pi_1(X)\simeq \langle b,c~\vert~ bc^2=c^2b \rangle,$$

which is the same as in the other presentation.