Functions, is compression the inverse of stretch


In Function Transformation in the equation
$Y= a[k(x-d)] + c$
We have a which is responsible for vertical stretch
.When it is $> 1$ we are told it's a stretch and then if it's $< 1$ we are told it's a compression but by the same factor.


$Y=2x^2$. Has a vertical stretch by factor of $2$

$Y=1/2x^2$. Has a vertical compression by a factor of $1/2$

Isn't this wrong? Since compression is the inverse of stretch, shouldn't it be a compression by a factor of $2$?
I say this since compression is the inverse of stretch, $1/2$ in compression is equal to $2/1$ stretch when inverses?

Am I correct, I am getting varying answers from different teachers and would like a definitive answer.

Best Answer

These are just different conventions in the usage of English-language descriptions. There's no mathematical content to the disagreement. Each teacher is presumably following the language convention that they believe is the least likely to confuse you.

Personally, I tend to agree with your preferred convention. But I would also caution you not to be pedantic about it. If, out in the real world, someone says "our budget shrank by a factor of a half" and you smugly object "oh, so your budget doubled?" then you're just being obtuse.