Functional analysis: Rudin 7.6


Could someone give me guidance for the proof of the following problem?

For $n=1,2,3,…$ and $x$ is a real number, put

$f_n(x)=\frac{x}{1+n x^2}$

Show that ${f_n(x)}$ converges uniformly to a function $f$.

It is a problem from Baby Rudin chapter 7.

The proof for this problem, which is provided from Roger Cookes solution manual ( says,

From Schwartz inequality,

$\mid f_n(x)\mid \leq \frac{\mid x\mid}{\sqrt{2}n\mid x\mid} \mid$

How does he do this manipulation?

I can only get

$\mid f_n(x)\mid^2\leq \frac{\mid x\mid^2}{\mid 1+n x\mid^2}$.

From the Schwartz inequality.

Any comments would be very appreciated!

Best Answer

You can use $AM-GM$, this means $$1+nx^2\geq2\sqrt{n}|x|$$

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