Fully customizable periodic function

exponential functionfunctionsnormal distributionperiodic functions

I am looking for a bell-shaped periodic function f(x) with parameters a and b, with following characteristics:
( not sure if such function already exists or one can formulate one ) :

  • oscillating between zero and a constant non-negative number A.
  • Width of bell can be modified through parameter b.
  • customizable period of c.
  • Preferably easy to calculate its integral

Obviously such function should look like a spike with lower b numbers and conversely turn into square-like with larger b.
I tried playing with Gaussian and normal distribution, it satisfies the first two requirements but fails to drop to zero at periodicals of x = c. something like the picture below

any suggestions highly appreciated !

enter image description here

Best Answer

Try $$ f(x)=Ae^{-\frac{(\ln2)\left(\tan^n \frac{\pi x}{c}\right)}{\tan^n \frac{\pi b}{c}}} $$ for a proper value of $n$ (say, $n=10$).

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