From a point $(h,k)$, 3 distinct normals can be drawn to the parabola $y^2=4ax$ and the feet of these normals are $t_1,t_2,t_3$.

conic sections

From a point $(h,k)$, 3 distinct normals can be drawn to the parabola $y^2=4ax$ and the feet of these normals are $P(t_1),Q(t_2),R(t_3)$. Find the centroid of $\Delta PAQ$

My method of solving this is extremely rudimentary, but it got me very close to the answer.

I assumed the given point to like on the X axis for the sake of simplicity. This meant that one of the feet was the origin

The equation of normal was

Since k =0



The triangle PAQ is made up of points lying on the parabola except the origin. Their centroid is


Since the value of $at^2$ is constant


And $$y=0$$ because it seemed likely. I have no idea why though

The answer is $$(\frac 23 (h-2a),0)$$

Best Answer

Normal(s) of $y^2=4ax$ at a $t$ point pass through $(h,k)$. So $$At^3+(2a-h)t-k=0$$ $t$ has three roots then $$t_1+t_2+t_3=0 ~~~(1),~~~ t_1t_2+t_2t_3+t_3t_1=(2a-h)/a~~~~(2)$$ The cenroid of the $\Delta PQR$ is $G=[a(t^2_1+t^2_2+t^2_3)/3, 2a(t_1+t_2+t_3)/3]$ From (1) and (2) $$t^2_1+t^2_2+t^3+3=(t_1+t_2+t_3)^2-2(t_1 t_2+t_2 t_3+t_3 t_1)=2(h-2a)$$ Finall the co-ordinates of centroid is $$G=[\frac{2}{3}(h-2a),0]$$

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