Frechet Space vs Banach Space


What is Frechet Space? Is a Banach a Frechet space? If not, why? If yes, how do we prove it?
According to Wikipedia,

Frechet spaces are locally convex topological space that is complete with respect to translation-invariant metric.
It also says that:
They are generalizations of Banach spaces (normed vector spaces that are complete with respect to the metric induced by the norm).
So I am guessing that Frechet spaces are Banach Spaces. But how do we prove it?

Best Answer

Let $(B, || \cdot||)$ be a Banach space. Then $d(x,y):=||x-y||$ is a translation-invariant metric on $B$ and $B$ is complete with respect to this metric.

A basis of neighborhoods of $0$ is given by the sets $B_{\epsilon}:=\{x \in B:||x||< \epsilon\}, $ where $ \epsilon >0$.

Each $B_{\epsilon}$ is convex.

Conclusion: a Banach is a Frechet space.

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