Fractional part of $2\sqrt{b^n(b^{n+1}-1)}$ dense in $(0,1)$

fractional-partnumber theorysequences-and-series

I'm looking to prove that the fractional parts of the sequence $x_n = 2\sqrt{b^n(b^{n+1}-1)}$ where $n \geq 1$ are dense in $(0,1)$ for all integers $b \geq 2$. I know that each member of the sequence is irrational, since by Catalan's conjecture the product $b^n(b^{n+1}-1)$ is not square. I've tried a few basic arguments, but the sequence seems to grow too quickly.

The sequence $y_n = \log_b 2\sqrt{b^n(b^{n+1}-1)}$ seems better-behaved, since $y_n = n + O(1)$, so it seems easier to prove dense the fractional parts of $y_n$. However, I have no clue whether or not proving that implies $x_n$ is dense. I realized that $y_n$ grows too slowly, since it turns out that the fractional part is strictly increasing in $n$ past a certain point, and thus cannot be dense.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Best Answer

The fractional part is not dense when $b$ is a square. Indeed, if $b = j^2$, then

$$x_{n} = 2\sqrt{j^{2n}(j^{2n+2}-1)},$$ which is very slightly smaller than the integer $2j^{2n+1}$. In fact,

$$ \begin{aligned} 0 < 2j^{2n+1} -2\sqrt{j^{2n}(j^{2n+2}-1)} &= \frac{(2j^{2n+1} -2\sqrt{j^{2n}(j^{2n+2}-1)})(2j^{2n+1} +2\sqrt{j^{2n}(j^{2n+2}-1)})}{2j^{2n+1} +2\sqrt{j^{2n}(j^{2n+2}-1)}}\\ &= \frac{4j^{2n}}{2j^{2n+1} +2\sqrt{j^{2n}(j^{2n+2}-1)}}\\ &=\frac{2}{j + \sqrt{j^2-j^{-2n}}}\\ &< 1. \end{aligned} $$

Thus, if $b$ is a square, then $\{x_{n}\}$ is strictly increasing, and furthermore $\{x_{n}\} \rightarrow 1 - 1/j$.

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