Fourier Series for $f(x)=x+\cos(x)$ for $x \in [-\pi,\pi]$

fourier series

Sorry for the horrible formatting, this is the first time I use MathJax…

When I try to compute the Fourier series for $f(x)=x+\cos(x)$ directly I get the Fourier series for $f(x)=x$ instead, what am I missing? Please help restore my sanity.

Being $f(x)=x+\cos(x)$ the sum of two functions, its Fourier series is simply the sum of the Fourier series for $g(x)=x$, which is

$Sg(x)=-2\sum_{k=1}^\infty \frac {(-1)^k}k \sin(kx)$

and for $h(x)=\cos x$, which is trivially

$Sh(x)=\cos(x)$ itself.

As an exercise, I tried to compute $f$'s Fourier series directly, calculating its real coefficients with the usual formulas

$a_k(f(x))=\frac 2T \int_{T} f(x)\cos(\omega k x)dx$, for $k\ge0$

$b_k(f(x))=\frac 2T \int_{T} f(x)\sin(\omega k x)dx $, for $k\ge 1$.

In this case, $f(x)=x+\cos(x)$, $T=2\pi$, $\frac 2T=\frac 1\pi$, $\omega=\frac {2\pi}T=1$, so I get

$a_k(f(x))=\frac 1\pi \int_{-\pi}^\pi (x+\cos(x))\cos( k x)dx$

$b_k(f(x))=\frac 1\pi \int_{-\pi}^\pi (x+\cos(x))\sin( k x)dx$

I tried to compute these a bunch of times both on paper by myself and with, and what I get is always the same: $a_k(f(x))=0$ for every natural number $k\ge0$ (you get a sine with $(\pi k)$ as argument), and

$b_k(f(x))=-\frac 2k (-1)^k$.

But then $f$'s Fourier series in $[-\pi, \pi]$, obtained via

$Sf(x)=\frac {a_0}2+\sum_{k=1}^\infty[a_k \cos(k x)+b_k \sin (kx)] $,

is equal to $Sg(x)$, the series for $g(x)=x$… it's missing a $+\cos(x)$ to be the correct result for $f(x)=x+\cos(x)$

There must be something utterly dumb that I am missing, either conceptually or in the steps I am doing in practice, please help me see what it is

Best Answer

You seem to have missed the coefficient

$$a_1=\frac1\pi\int_{-\pi}^{\pi}(x+\cos(x))\cos(x)dx=1.$$ This should make up for your missing $\cos x$.

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