Formula (how to calculate) Y axis cross-point of two intersecting lines


i.e. I have two lines:

A) Orange (Y axis starts at: 6, end at: -3)

B) Green (Y axis starts at: 5, end at: -2)

the start/end X axis values are same. Please note, I don't have SLOPE(angle) information, we only know what I've mentioned.

How to calculate (what formula to use) to get the cross-point Y value? it's about 0.8 estimately (as I see visually), but what is the formula I cant reach… I've tried so far:

mid_orange = (orange_start_Y + orange_end_Y )/2
mid_green  = (green_start_Y  + green_end_Y  )/2
cross_point_Y= (mid_orange *m + mid_green *n )/2

I think I need correct m and n coefficients… I don't know…

Best Answer

1-method: The equations of the lines are: $$\begin{cases}y_{green}=-\frac93x+\frac{27}{3}\\ y_{orange}=-\frac73x+\frac{22}{3}\end{cases} \Rightarrow (x_0,y_0)=(5/2,3/2).$$ 2-method: Use similarity of triangles:

$\hspace{3cm}$enter image description here $$\triangle BEO \sim \triangle BFC \Rightarrow \frac{BE}{BF}=\frac{EO}{FC} \Rightarrow \frac{BE}7=\frac{EO}3 \\ \triangle AEO \sim \triangle AGD \Rightarrow \frac{AE}{AF}=\frac{EO}{GD} \Rightarrow \frac{AE}9=\frac{EO}3 \\ \begin{cases}7AE=9BE \\ AE=BE+1\end{cases} \Rightarrow BE=\frac72 \Rightarrow y_0=5-\frac72=\frac32.$$