Formula for number of onto functions from m to m-1


Recently I came up with general formula for number of onto functions from set $|\mathbb{A}|=m$ to set $|\mathbb{B}|=n$.
Is there any way I can come up with explicit formula for $n=m-2$?

I started thinking about binomial coefficients property, that
and this somehow could help reducing long summation that we use in general formula, but it didn't do anything helpful.

My second idea was to calculate the result with $m=n$, then consequently increment $m$ 2 times, calculating new result.
First of all, we know that if $m=n$, then number of onto functions is $m!$. After we have added 1 element (let's denote it by $x$) to $\mathbb{A}$, $x$ can be mapped to any of $n$ elements. But after that adding, some pairs of previous elements in $\mathbb{A}$ can now map to the same element. That's the point when my calculations got stuck.

I also tried to brute force the solution for $S(m, m-1)$ and found out that $S(m, m-1)=\frac{m!\,(m-1)}{2}$ at least for $m < 25$. Is it true or it's just a coincidence for relatively small numbers?

Final question: is there any way to somehow reduce long summation in general formula for $n=m-2$ and find an explicit formula without summation?

Best Answer

If $m\geq4$, and $f:\>A:=[m]\to B:=[m-2]$ is a surjective map then all elements of $B$ have exactly one preimage, with the following exceptions: either (i) exactly one element $y\in B$ has three preimages, or (ii) two elements $y_1$, $y_2\in B$ have two preimages each.

In case (i) we can choose this $y\in B$ in $m-2$ ways, its preimages in ${m\choose 3}$ ways, and then map the remaining $m-3$ elements of $A$ bijectively onto the remaining elements of $B$ in $(m-3)!$ ways.

In case (ii) we can choose $y_1<y_2$ in ${m-2\choose2}$ ways, then $f^{-1}\bigl(\{y_1\}\bigr)$ in ${m\choose 2}$ ways and $f^{-1}\bigl(\{y_2\}\bigr)$ in ${m-2\choose 2}$ ways. Finally we can map the remaining $m-4$ elements of $A$ bijectively onto the remaining elements of $B$ in $(m-4)!$ ways.

It follows that the number $N$ you are after is given by $$N=(m-2){m\choose3}(m-3)!+{m-2\choose2}{m\choose2}{m-2\choose2}(m-4)!\ .$$ I may leave the simplification of this result to you.

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