Formalist understanding of metalogical proofs


How can a formalist understand a metalogical proof such as the completeness theorem? These proofs exist exclusively outside of a logical system where the "rules of the game" are undefined. These sorts of metalogical theorems attest to the validity of the logic a formalist must hold dear, thus it seems problematic they are unjustifiable within this perspective.

Best Answer

Method A. By making the metatheory explicit. The completeness theorem is provable in ZFC, so if $\Phi$ is a statement of the completeness theorem in the language of ZFC then a formalist/finitist still recognizes the formal derivation that shows $\text{ZFC} \vdash \Phi$.

This method may not be very satisfying, because it doesn't help a finitist prove anything else. The next method does that.

Method B. Through conservation results. There is a system $\text{PRA}$ of arithmetic that is usually identified with finitistic reasoning. There is also a subsystem $\text{WKL}_0$ of second-order arithmetic with the following properties:

  1. $\text{WKL}_0$ proves the completeness theorem for countable, syntactically consistent first-order theories (every countable first-order syntactically consistent theory has a model).

  2. There is a finitistic proof that any $\Pi^0_2$ sentence of arithmetic that is provable in $\text{WKL}_0$ is provable in the finitistic system $\text{PRA}$. This kind of metatheorem is known as a `conservation result'.

So a formalist can work in $\text{WKL}_0$, and use the completeness theorem for countable theories, while knowing all the while that any $\Pi^0_2$ sentence that she proves is already finitistically provable. Because statements viewed as meaningful in finitism are going to be at worst $\Pi^0_2$, this means that any meaningful statement she proves from $\text{WKL}_0$ can be proved finitistically, and hence can be "accepted".

This method is sometimes known as 'reductionism'. The idea is that someone can use an "ideal" theory (e.g. $\text{WKL}_0$) to prove a wide variety of statements, knowing that some subclass of these statements (e.g. the $\Pi^0_2$ ones) that are proved in this way are already provable in a weaker "concrete" system that the person prefers.

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