Formal grammar for a logic


The rules of logic seem like they could be expressed as a recursively enumerable grammar, but I have never seen someone actually do that. Is there somewhere I could find an example of an important mathematical universe, say ZFC or a constructive topos, expressed as a formal grammar that can generate every provable statement but no unprovable statements?

The reason I think this might exist is, proofs can be checked with Turing machines, and Turing machines correspond to RE grammars. So a mathematical universe could be written as an RE grammar that corresponded to a Turing machine that checked proofs in that universe. (I'm a bit fuzzy about what the TM-REG correspondence actually is so maybe this doesn't really exist.)

Best Answer

Here I'm giving a type-0 grammar of the propositional logic (in the end):

Thoughts on generative grammars and their use in automated theorem proving based on neural networks

The grammar contains 60 non-terminal symbols and 264 production rules. I think this is just a routine to construct a "real" grammar of some first-order theory (say, group theory). Meanwhile, this is actually important, since, how I've shown in the article, this gives us a good arrangement of our data to prove theorems automatically by machine learning.

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