Formal definition of virtual displacement


I'm trying to read a book on classical mechanics, and I'm having a hard time trying to know what exactly is a virtual displacement, sometimes called a variation. In the Lagrangian "formalism" the differential forms $dx$ are changed by "virtual displacements" and noted by $\delta x$. As far as I understand the unique difference between $dx$ and $\delta x$ is that $\delta x$ doesn't depends on time, that is, $\delta x$ is a purely spatial differential form.

However in a book of classical mechanics I see that $\delta \dot q$ can be "integrated" respect to $dt$ to give $\delta q$, what makes no sense if $\delta q$ will be a differential form. So, I would like to know a precise and very formal definition of some expression like $\delta x$. I tried to find such formal (mathematically rigorous) definition in many books of mechanics or differential geometry but I could not find one, so I would appreciate some reference or explanation.

Best Answer

Assume that the functional (a function/map/operator that has a function as input and a number as output) is given as
$$F[ρ]=\int_\Omega f\Bigl(x,ρ(x),∇ρ(x)\Bigr)\,dx.$$

For the variation in directional-derivative form you then get \begin{align} δF[ρ;ψ]&=\lim_{s\to0}\frac{F[ρ+sψ]-F[ρ]}{s} \\[.3em]&=\int_\Omega \left[ \frac{∂f}{∂ρ}\Bigl(x,ρ(x),\nabla ρ(x)\Bigr)ψ(x)+\frac{∂f}{∂∇ρ}\Bigl(x,ρ(x),\nabla ρ(x)\Bigr)∇ψ(x)\right]\,dx. \end{align} Here $∂ρ$ and $∂∇ρ$ in the partial-derivative symbol just indicate the place in the arguments of $f$ that the partial derivative is taken for, there is no other special magic involved. If one writes $f(x,y,v)$ as the "canonical" arguments of $f$, the partial derivatives could also be written as $\frac{∂f}{∂y}$ and $\frac{∂f}{∂v}$.

One could use $δρ$ as function symbol instead of $ψ$, in a slight abuse of notation $∇δρ$ might then be written as $δ∇ρ$. Or you might declare $δρ(x)[ψ]=ψ(x)$ as the evaluation operator for the derivative direction function $ψ$.

The variation in differential-quotient form $\frac{δF[ρ]}{δρ(x)}$ can now be defined as some limit over the support of $ψ$ shrinking to the point $x$, or more systematically over the demand that $$ δF[ρ;ψ]=\int_\Omega \frac{δF[ρ]}{δρ(x)}δρ(x)[ψ]\,dx+\int_{∂\Omega}... $$ To that end one would have to get rid of the derivative terms $∇ψ$. That is achieved using some variation of the fundamental theorem of calculus, generally called Stokes theorem for differential forms (Greene, Gauss,...). This gives in interior points $$ \frac{δF}{δρ(x)}[ρ]=\frac{∂f}{∂ρ}\Bigl(x,ρ(x),\nabla ρ(x)\Bigr)-∇^*\frac{∂f}{∂∇ρ}\Bigl(x,ρ(x),\nabla ρ(x)\Bigr). $$

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