Formal Definition of closed subscheme


Let $(X,\mathcal{O}_{X})$ be scheme let Z be a closed subset of X ,i have read many definitions of closed subscheme in many books like in Hartshorne , Liu,Qing ,, Ulrich Görtz but i could 't understand the definition because In Hartshorne version he defined closed subscheme as equivalnce classes of closed immersion and he did't talk about what $\mathcal{O}_{Z }$, in the version of Ulrich Görtz the definition involve the sheaf of ideals $\mathcal{J}$ but he did't mention the equaivalance classes part

1)I am looking for a definition of the closed subscheme espically
if Z is closed subset of X and $U$ is a subset of Z what is $\mathcal{O}_{Z}(U)$?

Edit i have read this construction of the structure sheaf on Z and
i have two question ,

Let Z is a closed subset of X with the inclusion $i$ : $Z \rightarrow X $,then
$i_{*}\mathcal{O}_{Z} $ is ismorphic to $\mathcal{O}_{X}/ \mathcal{J} $where $\mathcal{J}$ is some sheaf of ideals ,

2)is $ \mathcal{J} $ the kernel of the hmomorphism of modules
$\mathcal{O}_{X} \rightarrow i_{*}\mathcal{O}_{Z}$ ?

Then the subscheme is given by $(Z,\mathcal{O}_{Z})= (supp(\mathcal{O}_{Z}/\mathcal{J},\mathcal{O}_{Z}/\mathcal{J})$

3)Why is $Z=supp(\mathcal{O}_{Z}/\mathcal{J})$?

Best Answer

The answer to your first two questions is yes, For the last question I think it is important to understand the affine case first, the general case is just using sheaf language to glue these affine cases.

In the affine case when you have an ideal $J$ you can naturally define a close subset $V(J)=\{P|J\subset P\}$ which as a topological space is equal to $Spec A/J$ It is also equal to the support of the A-module $A/J$ which by definition is the set of prime ideals $P$ such that $(A/J)_P\not =0$ if you write definition you see that this is equivalent to the condition $J\subset P$.

So it is natural to call the map $Spec\, A/J\to Spec\, A$ a closed immersion and it has all good properties you want, then using the sheaf language you can state the general case just replace $A$ by $O_X$ and ideal $J$ by a sheaf of ideals, and if you want to prove something you can reduce to the case of affines, for example, to compute the support you can choose an affine cover and compute the support locally.

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