“$\forall x$ s.t. $\phi(x), \exists y$ s.t $\phi'(x,y)$” versus “$\forall x, \big( \phi(x)\implies \exists y $ s.t $\phi'(x,y)\big)$”


I am trying to gain some insight into how one understands proofs that can be generically described as fitting this mold:

Let $x$ be some object that has a specific list of properties. Show that some other object $y$ exists with a specific property that relates to $x$.

(An example of such a proof that follows this form can be found here: Proof of a proposition about recursion definition (Terence Tao's Analysis I)).

To tackle such a proof, I would do the following:

Firstly, I would note that this statement can be formally restated as:

$$\forall x \text{ such that } \phi(x), \exists y \text { such that } \phi'(x,y)$$

Then, I would pick an arbitrary element $x^*$ that satisfies $\phi(x^*)$. From this, I would try to construct a corresponding $y^*$ that satisfies $\phi'(x^*,y^*)$.

Because $x^*$ was arbitrary, I have thus proven that "$\forall x \text{ such that } \phi(x), \exists y \text { such that } \phi'(x,y)$" is a true statement.

I believe this is the standard strategy.

I have always wondered how (and if) the aforementioned strategy can be reformulated using implications. An author of an "Answer Post" from a question posed here (Conceptual question about assuming the existence of a function in order to prove the existence of another function) made the following (paraphrased) comment:

The "such that $\phi(x)$" statement can actually be reformulated as an antecedent of an implication. Additionally, the "$\exists y \text{ such that } \phi'(x,y)$" can be reformulated as the consequent of the same implication. Therefore, "$\forall x \text{ such that } \phi(x), \exists y \text { such that } \phi'(x,y)$" is actually logically equivalent to "$\forall x, \big( \phi(x)\implies \exists y \text { such that } \phi'(x,y)\big) $."

Could some please elaborate on this a little more?

Edit: The proper format may actually be "$\forall x, \exists y \big( \phi(x)\implies \phi'(x,y)\big) $"

(however I am not sure)

Best Answer

The exact same strategy works for the reformulated statement, since they're equivalent. If you want to prove $$\forall x(\phi(x)\implies \exists y,\phi'(xy))$$ what do you do? Pick an arbitrary $x$ such that $\phi(x)$ holds and then try to find a $y$ such that $\phi'(x,y)$ holds, or show that the non-existence of such a $y$ would lead to a contradiction.

If you try to state them in words, both statements mean something like, "Any time we have an $x$ such that $\phi(x)$ holds, there is a $y$ such that $\phi'(x,y)$ holds."

Formally, the second alternative you give $$\forall x, \exists y \big( \phi(x)\implies \phi'(x,y)\big)$$ means the same thing, but it seems a little unnatural to me. However, I'm by no means a logician.

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