For which measures does the monotone convergence theorem hold


The standard proof of the monotone convergence theorem for the Lebesgue measure picks a simple function $\phi$ that is uniformly bounded above by the pointwise limit $f$ of the monotone increasing sequence of positive (Lebesgue) measurable functions $\{f_n \}$ in question; fixing a $k \in (0,1)$, sets of the form $E_n = \{x \in \mathbb{R} : f_n(x) \geq k\phi(x)\}$ are claimed to be an increasing sequence of measurable sets that cover the entire space (the reals). (Sneaking in a quick question here: why do we use $k$ at all? Is it so that we can always 'squeeze in' elements in $E_n$ in case $\phi=f$?)

I think the claim that the sets are measurable relies on completeness of the Lebesgue measure; could someone confirm this? Can this proof be adapted to non-complete measures (say, the Borel measure)? For what kind of measures on the reals does the convergence theorem hold? Is there an analogue of the theorem for measures on other ordered fields possessing the least upper bound property?

Best Answer

The monotone convergence theorem holds for any measure space: wiki

The real numbers are (up to order isomorphism) the only ordered field with the least upper bound property (this property is called "Dedekind completeness") This is a well-known fact (wiki) and there is a proof in an appendix of Spivak's "Calculus".

Sneak answer: if you don't use in $k$ then the sets do not necessarily cover $\mathbb{R}$: let $g$ be the characteristic function of $[0,1]$. What if $f_n=(1-1/n)g$ and $\phi=g$? Also, the proof should not require completeness of the Lebesgue $\sigma$-algebra at any point.

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