For which $d$, the algebraic integers of $K =\Bbb{Q}(\sqrt d)$ is a PID


I know that the matter is settled for $d<0$ and an open problem for $d>0$ but I am asking about already known values. The below theorems are the motivation for asking this question.

Let $d$ be a square-free integer such that $\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt d]$ is a PID and $q$ be an
odd prime such that $$(d \mid q) =1 $$ Then there exist integers $u,v$ such that $$q =
\mid u^2 – dv^2 \mid $$


Let $d = 1 \pmod 4$ be a squarefree integer such that $\mathbb{Z}\left[ \frac{1 + \sqrt d}{2}\right]$ is a PID and $q$ be an odd prime such that $(d \mid q)=1$ then there exist integers $u,v$ such that $$ q = \left| \left(u + \frac v2 \right)^2 – \frac{mv^2}{4} \right| $$

where $(. \mid .)$ is the Legendre's symbol.

So knowing the values of $d$ for which $O_K$ is a PID will be a great advantage in representing primes in quadratic forms. So here I list some of the values that I know.

  • This answer lists all the values for
    $d<0$ and they are $d=-1, -2 , -3 , -7, -11, -19, -43, -67,$ or $-163$.
  • In the book Introductory Algebraic number theory by S.Alaca , K.Williams, we can see
    examples of norm Euclidean domains (so PID) and they are for $d =
    or $ 73$.
  • In the same book we also see that the authors mentioning that for $d = 14,69$ are also
    Euclidean hence PID.

Are there any other values of $d$ that are known in the literature? It will be great if you can add some references along with your answer at least.

Best Answer

I cannot give a comprehensive list, nor point you at published articles/books. My "go to" -source for bits like these is the LMF-database.

This query says that the database contains 177168 matches to my search criteria of number fields of degree two and class number one.

Caveat: I am not very experienced in interpreting the database output.